
Nithish - Asterianz 2018 Batch

Confidence is the key to success.. The main thing is not to have aversion by seeing the vast portion..U guys have enough time to complete the entire Syllabus.. Proper time table will help u do this.. Don't stress urself by sitting with the book the whole day..Just read for some time and then Relax..Have a cool attitude 😎 Try to understand the concepts instead of mugging it up..Try to read Standard Books.. Do not omit anything ..Atleast give an once reading to every concept.. Anatomy Draw relavant diagrams wherever possible with proper color code and correct labelling.. Don't miss out the blue boxes ( Clinical Anatomy ) in Vishram Singh.. This is the place where u get frequent MCQs .. Don't not omit Histology and Embryology ..If u feel difficulty in understanding Inderbir Singh study in Langman..Vishram Singh Clinical Embryology will be easy to understand with simple diagrams..U can refer this too.. Consized answer with salient key points and proper diagram will fetch u ...

Aishwarya KM - Asterianz 2018

#Two months is more than can cover to the maximum divide it according to urdifficulty level.. Anatomy - 20 days Physiology- 15 days Biochemistry - 17 days Cover the maximum portion in these days...after this make a revision of everything...atleast have a glance at it...just look at the diagrams,  flow charts , cycles'll help u a lot... # Answer the questions in various sub headings even though if it's not mentioned specifically...esp for 15 marks... #For 15 marks take 45 mins but not more than that... 5 marks take 5-7 mins.. Mcq - 25 mins.. Have some time to check ur answer sheets ...atleast check whether u have answered all the questions and check question numbers ❌ For anatomy,  draw the  diagrams( Use proper color codes ) you can draw simply and explain everything with the diagram itself...Diagram is really necessary🔺 Physiology- Explain ur answers in simple flow charts ....  Biochemistry-present ur answers in Cycles ... You have enou...

Sathasivam - Asterianz 2018

1. Memorization is not necessary , If you understand the concept and think logically.. You even don't have to read the topic again and again 2. Give a solid hit , finish the lesson in a single hit or with 2 sessions for big chapters 3. Draw and scribble the concept,by doing that you'll get an idea.. While drawing the mechanism teach yourself with your own voice.. Make the concept as simple as possible Anatomy - they won't bother did you wrote that point or para.. Diagram is the key.. Draw 'n' no. Of diagrams .. Attract the staff Physiology - break everything into flowchart .. Literally everything, and then start to memorize Biochem- cycle and enzymes are very much important, just repeat and repeat ... It will automatically store into your mind, The key thing is teach yourself, draw, scribble, watch videos, teach a friend, imagine, visualize, do what ever you can and whatever it takes Best of luck 👍🏻👍🏻

Zenith - Asterianz 2018

1 month study holiday all u need to focus on revising things better .  Since 5marks get u the max mark it should be ur core preparation and alot more time in exam for 5.marks than for 15marks ,  Split ur dates allign topics to revise don't rush it bcs it is the last time u gonna read 1st year textbooks fully , so Frst finish ur major lessons , switch major and minor topics alternatively so tat u wouldn't get tired easily , set time limit for ur topic try pace it slowly so tat u ll be on track.   Even though u didn't cover the book fully , know tat u gain the confidence tat i know something in everything so tat it will help u in exams  All the best!

Bathri - Asterianz 2018

2 months is more than enough for ur preps.   Split the days like 20 days for each subject ..we had a compulsion of only 10 days ... Start with biochem and finish with anatomy

Logan Thirumaran - Asterianz 2018 Batch

▪️ 15 mark questions - 1hr ▪️ 5 mark questions-1.5hrs ▪️ Mcqs-20 mins  ▪️ 10 mins for checking, underlining.... ▪️ Around 4 to 5 diagrams for essays and 1 or 2 diagrams for 5mark questions. ▪️Write your answers in points ,if possible draw flowcharts and cycles . ▪️ Always try to write and highlight some clinical points related to the question. ▪️If you don't know the answer,write something about it.Do not leave any question unanswered. ▪️ Discuss the topics that you have not covered properly with your friends .  ▪️ Have good 5 or 6 hours of sleep before the exam and don't skip your breakfast . ▪️Be confident about your preparation. Try to cover most of the topics(atleast skim through)&don't worry too much about the topics  you've left. ▪️ Wish you all best for your exams !!!👍🏻

FAQs on First Year University Exams

The Academic Club of GVMC, Luminescence recieved a number of queires on how to face the First Year University Exams. We have collected answers, preparation schedule and study methodologies from the Toppers from various senior batches. We hope this helps erase your fear of the exams and gives you confidence to give your best! If you need any help regarding the preparation, feel free to ping the Academic Secretaries. In addition, if you have any specific question post them in the comments box below and we will try to answer it at the earliest.

Samskritha - Asterianz 2018

Biochem first then physio then anat  First one month prepare and read the topics that you've not covered properly  Then the next month revise  During revision concentrate on diagrams anat, flow charts physio and tables and cycles biochem   40 mins each for 15 marks  Then 20 mins for mcqs  15 mins each for 5 marks  Last 5 mins for scanning through the answer sheet  Practice diagrams  Keep looking at them for anat  Make sure youve covered all the important topics and repeatedly asked questions  Make a proper timetable follow it strictly   Download mcq book and regularly solve mcqs on whatever topic you read that day

Vikram N - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

❓"Had we not touched the book yet, starting tomorrow how long would it take to cover the portion? With the time/days allotment for the next 2 months" Let's leave aside the fact that you haven't touched your books. The first thing is to remain positive. Now, considering there's 60 days left- ideally, you should be spending equal number of days for each subject- DO NOT DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN SUBJECTS   20 days per subject. Now, you can cover it in two ways- by studying a single subject for 20 days or covering 2 subjects in a day. Personally, I'd go for the latter because we often get saturated by the time we come to the end of one subject.  How to split?   Out of the 3 subjects, we'd all have a strong subject and a weak subject. Let's assume anatomy is your strong suit and biochem is a weakness. I'd advice you to spend 6 hours on each subject per day. Now, how do we intend on splitting and studying?  At the outset, I'd like to stress the importance...

Udayakumar M - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

 ❓ "Time allottment for each question, a 15mark and a 5mark ... how much on diagrams how much on written" 40 to 45 minutes for a essay. Make sure u must finish the two essays within one annd a half hour. For anatomy 4 to 5 diagrams with accurate markings is enough. For Anatomy, Diagrams speak more louder than your words . Flowcharts will fetch u more marks in Essay for Physiology and Biochemistry. (*Diagrams are optional and u can) Finish 5 marks within one hour . You can take fifteen more minutes extra if u spare some time in essay and if u r pretty sure with the MCQs. For 5 marks, answer to the point , put diagrams in anatomy if necessary. Writing stories in 5marks will kill your time. ❓ "How to prepare for the exam, what to study , what to omit?" Start with the previously asked questions . Infact, the questions asked for the past 10years is enough to give u a decent score. What to omit???.... Don't go too much beyond the scope of a first year medical stud...

Madumithaa K - Asterianz 2018 Batch

First of all, on approaching the essay questions, make sure u read the questions carefully and just answer to whatever is asked (I. E). The ' subquestions' .. The diagrams must be given the most importance in case of anatomy.. So.. Practicing diagrams would be very useful as u can develop the theory part from the diagrams itself. Incase of physio and biochem. Try making as many flowcharts as possible with all the key points in it. Omitting can't be a choice for the university exams.. Because u can expect any question from any chapter! So even if u can't get thorough with everything, make sure u have read them atleast once and known the concept clearly which is more than enough.. Time required depends on your previous preparations.. If u have atleast read the FAQ s for the internals or known the concepts.. 1 to 2 months wld be more than sufficient to prepare. Given 2 months, u can allot 15 days( minimum) for each subject. And revise as many times as possible as rev...

Joanna P - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

1. It depends on the rate at which you study and how well you can remember.  Schedule for 2 months:cover the important questions first following others; if cannot complete also, proceed with the schedule Anatomy(27 days)      •Upper limb 4 days      •Thorax 2 days      •Lower limb 3 days      •Abdomen 5 days      •Pelvis 3 days      •Head and neck 6 days      •Neuroanatomy 3 days      •General anatomy 1 day Physiology(17 days)      •General physiology & blood and immunity 1 day      •Nerve and muscle & ans 1 day      •GIT 1day      •Endocrine 1 day      •Reproductive system 1 day      •Renal system 1day      •CVS 3 day      •Respiratory system 2 day      •Neurophysiology 4 day     •Special senses and miscellaneous...

Udayalakshmi - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

Positivity matters! If you think you can do it, you can definitely crack it.  Be confident. At the same time, Don't fall into the mirage of having more may not be too late, but also not too early.  Make a customised schedule ...Only you will know what you are good at and what needs more attention... Try to stick with the schedule.. But don't be obsessed in it.Everyone will have good days and bad days.. If things don't go well,remodify the schedule.. U r supposed to be stubborn with your goals and flexible with your methods.  Plan a proper revision schedule in prior. Draw diagrams (with appropriate color coding ) and flowcharts wherever possible and write literally everything u know about the question asked... [Anatomy is all about drawing...Physiology is all about flow of concepts...Biochemistry is all about sequence(not only the names of enzymes)] My personal opinion on scheduling exam timings are. 1 hr for 15 marks questions 1 hr for 5 marks And remaining 1 ...

Rasarin S - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

❓"Had we not touched the book yet, starting tomorrow how long would it take to cover the portion? With the time/days allottment for the next 2 months" Considering 2 months starting from tomorrow, there will be 60 days available for the preparations.  So you can, have 20 days for each subject. Starting with Biochem, physiology and Anatomy. ( PLAN A ) PLAN B : Next 1 month is to complete all the left out topics in all subjects. Then from August you can start revising everything, each subject for 10 days starting form Biochemistry.

Madhumitha SV - Asterianz 2018 Batch

Divide ur 60 days into 3 equal parts for each subject.... First 20 days-biochem Next 20 days-physio Last 20 days-Anat 15 Marks-hipjoint Introduction  Type of the joint Articular surfaces Ligaments of the joint Relations Bursae around the joint Stability of hip joint Arterial supply  Nerve supply Movements Try to draw max number of diagrams u could .......and in case if the subtopics are mentioned in question just stick to that only.....time matters...⭐

Shankar S - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

Hi guys, Here r my few tips for exam   Now onwards, study the topics which you were never touched, then  study the topics which u were done in internals Underline a key point , and revise them before the exam Mark the questions in your books which were asked in previous year (past 10 years paper) mostly it will be repeated and it will cover 80 % of the portion In Anatomy , for essay (15m)draw minimum 4 diagrams and write your answer in points  and for short answer min one diagram should be there For physio and Biochem ,try to make flowchart Underline the important points in exam  Write in subtitles ( it will become easy for examiner) Don't get scared during exam All the best for your exam!   Thank You ✨

Noel Vinita S - Asterianz 2018 Batch

The next two months just divide in your convenient way:  Anatomy - 16-17days (UL,LL- 3 days /Abdomen-4 days/Thorax - 2 days /Head &neck -5 days) This depends on how you would have earlier prepared for IA.  Physiology -15 days Biochemistry - 15 days  Revision matters alot!!   So if you have a read a particular topic today then revise it a few days later !! In case of answering a question in : Anatomy - stick to the subquestions asked if not asked then answer in subheadings . Each subheading just draw a relevant diagram if possible ..⭐practice  diagrams ... And accordingly right few points, important points under those subheadings  ⭐ Presentation does matter!! Physiology - Write in the form of flow charts /points /clear cut answers... Biochemistry - here too flow charts ,incase of any pathway asked do a good presentation (eg : writing enzyme in a colour and cofactors req ).... Learn important normal values... Keep a max of 40-45 min for 15 marks... 6-7...

Topper Talks - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

  Hi Freshers I’m A Senior from Altruisianz!   I hope that you are all doing well and staying safe during this difficult time. 1 st year exams are the first set of exams that you will face in Med school. But don’t worry. You were chosen to do this course and you will succeed. You have it in you to pass this and you will do it.   You are a unique batch. A new pattern for ur papers and a lot of study leave   :p But there’s one truth.   We are all medical students and this is something that we have all had to face. So here is what helped me during the 2 months of preparation.   It might help you/ might not but you are welcome to share in my experience and benefit from it.   1.        DON’T WORRY . By getting anxious, you cannot suddenly become super human. You need to be aware of the exams and concerned about them. Not anxious or worried. U can get thru, even if u are starting now—as long as you don’t give up a...

George Paul - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

Disclaimer:  Everyone is different so their habits will differ,but this is just my two cents on how u can prepare 1. If you haven't picked up the book yet, and you have 2 months(60 days) I would suggest u try to cover the topics 3 times in the following manner         (i) 12days to quickly go through all the important topics in anat, physio, biochem u dont have to do detailed reading, in this instance i would recommend using slideshare or watching a video on 2x speed to quickly grasp the idea behind a concept then swiftly reading through the book,underlining any points that stand out. You can identify the important topics by going through the past 10years worth of question papers       (ii) In the next 24 days,u can devote to a more thorough reading of all the important topics that u covered in ur first reading,u can split each subject into 8 days each or do a little of each subject every day its ur choice.       (iii) Now u ha...

Dayanitha - Asterianz 2018 batch

It would take one full month to revise if you have already studied during your internals  Decide a time limit according to you,but everything should fit around 3 hrs make sure of this. As soon as you get the paper try to crack all the MCQs , if not no probs , continue with the 15mark question For anat diagrams should equal your writings but for physio flow chart matters  (this attracts more). And for biochem nothing matters, write as much as possible but try to add few diagrams Go with University question of the previous year and try to solve those!