Logan Thirumaran - Asterianz 2018 Batch

▪️ 15 mark questions - 1hr
▪️ 5 mark questions-1.5hrs
▪️ Mcqs-20 mins 
▪️ 10 mins for checking, underlining....

▪️ Around 4 to 5 diagrams for essays and 1 or 2 diagrams for 5mark questions.

▪️Write your answers in points,if possible draw flowcharts and cycles.

▪️ Always try to write and highlight some clinical points related to the question.

▪️If you don't know the answer,write something about it.Do not leave any question unanswered.

▪️Discuss the topics that you have not covered properly with your friends

▪️Have good 5 or 6 hours of sleep before the exam and don't skip your breakfast.

▪️Be confident about your preparation. Try to cover most of the topics(atleast skim through)&don't worry too much about the topics  you've left.

▪️Wish you all best for your exams!!!👍🏻
