Shankar S - Altruisianz 2017 Batch

Hi guys,

Here r my few tips for exam 

 Now onwards, study the topics which you were never touched, then  study the topics which u were done in internals

Underline a key point , and revise them before the exam

Mark the questions in your books which were asked in previous year (past 10 years paper) mostly it will be repeated and it will cover 80 % of the portion

In Anatomy , for essay (15m)draw minimum 4 diagrams and write your answer in points  and for short answer min one diagram should be there

For physio and Biochem ,try to make flowchart

Underline the important points in exam 

Write in subtitles ( it will become easy for examiner)

Don't get scared during exam

All the best for your exam!

 Thank You


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